Thursday, May 23, 2013

He Puts the AWE in Awesome

I love finding different traits of God in Scripture. I’ve been studying and meditating in Isaiah 40 and 41, and in 40:11, I take comfort because God has a tender spot for mothers of young kids. Verse 11 says, “He protects His flock” (those who have confessed Him as Savior and Lord) “like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garment. He gently leads those that are nursing.” What a tender picture of our Father’s affection for mommas and for His children! You think you are by yourself, taken for granted, unloved – READ THIS VERSE OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. He protects us. He gathers us in His arms and when necessary He carries us in the fold of His garment. And He leads – gently leads – mommas with young ‘uns. SWEETNESS!

Other qualities or traits of God that I’ve been meditating on in chapter 40:

1. Nothing gets past God. Try pouring a cup of water into your hand and hold it for a minute, just a minute. Pour it back into a measuring cup. How much do you have? We serve a God who has held the entire world’s water in the hollow of his hand and can mark the distance of the heavens by the span of just one of his hands.

2. God knows the density of every object on earth – Reminds me of the children’s song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” Verse 12 goes on to say that He knows how much each mountain weighs as well as the hills.

3. No one has EVER given God counsel, understanding, knowledge or wisdom. God has never asked to be taught or sought direction from anyone.

4. God has always existed – nations have come, and nations have gone, but He remains.

5. God controls the landscape of earth lifting up islands where He wants. I love visiting new places to see God’s handiwork. There are mountains in Hawaii that look like God just ran his fingers down the side of them when he was creating them. There are some unusual forms of rocks near Santa Fe, and I wonder if God formed them in his hands much like children playing with play dough. I think to myself sometimes, “When God was making this did he ever say, ‘Hey, watch this angels! One day, Kristy is going to see this and be amazed’?” Because I truly was amazed.

6. There aren’t enough trees or animals to make a burnt sacrifice that could make us as holy as He is holy.

7. I love verse 22 because it gives such a great visual picture.”God is enthroned above the circle of the earth; its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like thin cloth and spreads them out like a tent to live in.” I can’t help think about me trying to get the Saranwrap to come off the roll and attempting to get it to cover a dish only for it to cling better to itself than my dish. God doesn’t have that problem.

8. He controls rulers, even the wicked ones. He can destroy princes or He can put judges in place that are irrational. WHY? My thought is DISCIPLINE. He allowed the children to fall under some of the harshest ruler, the most wicked rulers, and God put it into motion because His children were being rebellious and prideful. Makes me very scared for America.

9. God is unequalled.

10. I love verse 26: “Look up and see; who created these? He brings out the starry host by number; He calls all of them by name. Because of His great power and strength, NOT ONE OF THEM IS MISSING.” When all of my cousins were together and one of us would get into trouble, my Mammaw would go down the line till she got to the right one – Kimberly, Carrie, Kristy, Lori, Leslie, Lauren. Rarely did she call Jonathon or Peter’s name. (I assure you it’s not because they were innocent.) God names the stars. He knows MY name. He knows YOUR name. That’s HUGE! That means we are important to him. His creation is important to him. And because of God’s power and strength not one of the stars are missing. You are not missing from His sight. He sees you.

11. God is everlasting (vs 28).

12. There is no limit to his strength, and He EMPOWERS his children. Because of God, we know that our future contains strength because the verb in verse 31 is future tense: “but those who trust in the Lord WILL RENEW their strength; they WILL SOAR on wings like eagles; the WILL RUN and not grow weary; they WILL WALK and not faint.” There is where we find hope for our tomorrows.

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