Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's Been a Hard Week -- to say the least

A leak in the den: We thought it was in the foundation, but fortunately, it was in the wall. It’s the lesser of two evils. Floors that were only a few years old were ripped up.

Erin leaves for Europe: Just making sure everything was packed and that she knew what to do if certain things happened.

Car accident: I had dropped Pearce off for swim meet, and I had backed out of parking place and had turned around in my seat to face forward so I could drive forward when I was rear-ended.

Computer: The computer I use to do my blog and use in Train Up a Child – Encouragement for Mom ministry is on the brink of final collapse. I have no money for another one.

My house is in complete disarray, and dust covers every surface in my house. Oh, and we have company from Thailand coming to stay with us on the 26th!

I am exhausted, worn slap out.

Typically I’m not a worrier, but Satan knows how to get us to the point, the breaking point, the worrying point. I may be exhausted, but I am determined that every time Satan brings me to think about the accident while we wait for the insurance companies to determine liability, that I will change my thought pattern to reflect whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable – anything excellent or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8). That’s my choice.

So what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable from this week? What is God’s truth? What does He see as noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable?

Truth #1: Everyone under my roof is healthy. No one is in the hospital fighting for their lives. I’m not attending a funeral today. Thank you, Lord, for our health.

Truth #2: God has provided us with a home to keep us cool in the summer, warm in the winter and dry from the rain. It may always be in some state of remodeling; I may always have dust on every surface, but I have running water, indoor facilities, air conditioning, and food on the table.

Truth #3: We have insurance to take care of whatever damage is done to her vehicle and my vehicle regardless of how they determine liability. God already knows how it’s going to work out. He’s got this, and even if it doesn’t go my way or partially my way, I will survive. THIS WILL NOT KILL ME.

Truth #4: I am still typing on my laptop. It’s still hanging on even if it is by a thread, so I praise God for a working computer to minister to others (when my head is on straight and my heart is right with Him).

Truth #5: I have a beautiful, smart, funny daughter in Europe having the experience of a lifetime. Every time I talk to her she’s having a great time. The pictures I see show her grinning ear to ear. That is a blessing.

Truth #6: I still have one kid at home that I can love on, even if it is my hairy-legged, mustache-wearing, curly-haired, sweaty, eight year-old boy.

Truth #7: Regardless of what happens, God is God. Nothing that happens today will surprise Him. Nothing. So I rest in Him. I hide in the shadow of His wing because I am the apple of His eye (Ps 17:8) – Yep, I’m that special. Anything that makes its way to me has to go through the filter of His fingers.

Truth #8: We will have a great visit with our friends regardless of the condition of this house because we are friends and we serve the same Lord.

Truth #9: My God supplies all my needs (Phil 4:19).

Truth #10: God trumps Satan – read that last book of the Bible. So, I choose life. I choose to live in victory because He did not come to take away my joy, but He came to give me an abundant life (John 10:10).

So, time to break out the holy water, pray over every door in the house, lift up my family to God and praise Him for all He has done. This is how I choose to deal with the stress in my life. This is how I choose to deal with the things Satan would have me worry about. These are the things I will choose to think about.


  1. Love you sister! Thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you for your honesty and for showing us how to choose the right attitude.


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