Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why Do Dogs Drink Dirty Water?

We have a new puppy, Sunni. Just in the couple of months we’ve had her, she’s grown by leaps and bounds…and trust me, she loves to leap and bound. The kids were so excited. We went and bought a food bowl, a water bowl, leash, and collar with her name, toys, food, and an assortment of stuff we’ll probably never use. One of the best investments was her muzzle. She’s currently going through a biting phase – really it’s teething, and while she is just playing and nibbling, those puppy teeth hurt!

One day I let Sunni out of her indoor kennel and led her to the kitchen where I filled her water bowl up with filtered water and her food bowl with fresh puppy food. She was dancing around and antsy, so she ran to the front door and rang the Christmas bell we have hanging down for her. She rings the bell. I open the door. She runs straight to the muddy water in the front yard. What does she do? She DRINKS it! Why in the Sam hill would she go drink dirty water when she had fresh, clean, pure water in her own personal bowl?! Doesn’t make any sense does it?

I wonder how often God thinks that about us. I wonder if He has ever said, “I have given them Living Water and the Bread of Life to each of them personally, and yet they choose to go into the world, drink what they have to sell them, and eat the waste the world provides.” We have got to be some of the biggest numbskulls – maybe I should just speak for myself. I’m a numbskull.

Instead of believing we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139), we choose to buy magazines and watch shows that says we are to be rail thin, have cosmetic surgeries because you – aren’t – enough. Instead of believing in a God who loves you so much and wants to have a personal relationship with you, you go into the world seeking friendship with men and women who do not encourage you or build you up. Rather they tear you down to make themselves feel better. Instead of believing God will provide all your needs (Philippians 4), you feel the need to live like the status quo, go into major debt and become strapped to a persona that cannot be maintained and is a lie.

In Genesis 6, God says He regretted making man. He regretted! Some versions say it grieved Him and His heart was filled with pain. He’s telling you, His child, I’m giving you the Word. It’s the Bread of Life – eat and be full. He says I’m the Living Water, drink from me, and you’ll never thirst again.

I wonder how many times I’ve grieved God. I wonder how many times He has regretted making me. I wonder how many times I’ve accepted the lies the world feeds us day in and day out over the truths found in God’s Word.

Noah found favor in the eyes of God because he walked with God. He didn’t listen to those who ridiculed him. If he did listen, he didn’t take it to heart because Noah trusted God enough to do the insane, to do the craziest thing he had ever done in all his life.

Lord, may I find favor in your sight. I want to drink from the Living Water and eat of the Bread of Life. I want your truth. I trust You.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect comparison! How (pardon the word!) DUMB can we (I) be?! Excellent blog!


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