Thursday, April 7, 2011

Has Some Details about My Job as a Fraud Claim Rep

Today was like sprinting a marathon, and sprinting just isn't something you do in a marathon. WHY? Cause you will pass smooth out! I'm teetering there myself.

I have several projects working right now. One project is for the whole zone – five states. I'm the point person. It is all filtered through my hands and my mind for me to analyze, dig, connect and get after. (hehehehe) My boss put me on this particular project because he says I'm meaner than a snake. I choose to think that I'm highly effective at lighting fires under the behinds of unscrupulous people, but that's my opinion.

This morning I had an early morning conference call regarding a staged accident ring I'm working. Have you heard that everyone is only separate by 6 degrees? Well, this group is separated only by two or three. One of our attorneys this morning was taking the deposition of one of these fine individuals and ended up getting a confession. WOOHOO! If you've never gotten a confession, it is a real high, and it's really just the beginning of the fun stuff. The confessor told our attorney that there was never any impact, that the damage on her car was there previously, that she needed money and this lady told her how to do it. She connected one of the ring leaders to some other parties of interest. Not only that, but she brought her BFF to the deposition, and she is directly linked to a DIFFERENT group inside this ring. Needless to say, we had to make rush referrals to the NICB (National Insurance Crime Bureau) and the DOI (Department of Insurance). We found out that LSP (Louisiana State Police) are going to interrogate her tomorrow. And if the song "Bad Boys" is playing through your mind change the words to "Bad Girls" – the attorney, the LSP and me. (We all be girls!)

During her deposition, this woman also confessed that she and all the passengers in her vehicle were seen by this same doctor in 10 MINUTES! We were billed for much more – NOW THE RING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO GROW EXPONENTIALLY!

Can you tell I love my job? I do. I have since the first day I came into the Special Investigative Unit. It stretches me. It challenges me. It's never boring! While we may see the same people over and over again, it's rarely the same exact situation over and over.

With all of the talk about offices closing, it makes me very sad to think that my career in this field could be coming to an end. VERY SAD! For me, it's an adrenaline rush at times. But, if they choose to move my position somewhere else then I know that God will provide. He provided this job for me before I knew it existed (and you see how much I love it), and He will provide the next. If I love this job, then He will provide me something that will utilize the strengths, talents and gifts He has given me…and who knows, He may give me a job utilizing my new knowledge. I'll have my basic and advanced Women's Ministry certificate by December 2011. (I'll still have more to go on my Master's, of course.)

God knows I need some flexibility and health coverage. He knows what I need to make in order to pay the bills. God knows. He will take care of me and my family.

I read a quote today that I really like and really needed: "Obstacles are object lessons for your faith – they cannot prevent what God has promised you." Sometimes PEOPLE are the obstacles. You know what God has called you to do, but some just haven't gotten on board. Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." I know what God has called me to do. I also know the gifts and talents He has given me. Now, all I have to do is wait and trust him to work it all out for my good because I love him (Romans 8:28), and I'm his daughter. Every good and perfect gift comes from my heavenly Father (James 1:17). I can't wait to see what He surprises me with next. I love surprises even though the suspense just kills me sometimes.

So, you might be wondering what happens next with my ring that is blowing wide apart. Well, let's just say the LSP will get all the documentation we can provide them in order to go after those suckers. We will request restitution, and hopefully it will be awarded. Depending on what we find with the medical provider, he could possibly go to jail, as well as, the people who staged the accidents. You know, "Be sure your sins will find you out? (Num 32:23). Even if I don't get them, God will. He always does. He's good like that.

1 comment:

  1. Love that quote! "Obstacles are object lessons for your faith – they cannot prevent what God has promised you." Sometimes I might need to hear that more than once a day!
    Great post....Go get 'em girl!


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